Woodbridge Christian Church
Children’s Ministry
The Children’s Ministry is led by Lisa Lourenzo and Amy Powers. The foundational program for the Children’s Ministry is Children’s Church, which is offered to children from age 4 to grade 5. The children worship with their parents during the first part of the worship and then leave with the Children’s Church leaders after the offering. They split into 2 groups, one for age 4 to grade 2 and the other for grades 3 to 5. They sing songs, study an age-appropriate Bible lesson, and have recreation and refreshments.
The children also have fun fellowship activities on a regular basis. These activities enable the children to build relationships with each other and teach them that the Christian life is fun. Recent activities have included a trip to the National Zoo.
3rd-5th Grade
One of the goals of the 3rd to 5th grade Children’s Church class is to help children become more familiar with their Bibles. We do this by utilizing worksheets that encourage them to find information in the Bible concerning the lesson that we are studying. We also have Bible games that we play with the children split into teams. If the children don’t know the answer to questions in the games, they are encouraged to look them up. This approach encourages the children to cooperate and share their individual knowledge with each other.