Woodbridge Christian Church
Our church has a paid staff of 3 people: the Senior Minister, the Minister of Development, and the Secretary.
“Jimmy” Jackson, Jr. is our senior minister. He earned a BS in Christian Ministry from Roanoke Bible College and both a Master of Arts in Theology and Master of Divinity in Apologetics from Cincinnati Bible Seminary. While attending graduate school he served as the forwarding agent for a missionary and as a part time senior minister at Chatham Christian Church in Augusta, KY. While in undergraduate training he served as part time youth minister at Arthur Christian Church in Bell Arthur, NC. The majority of Jimmy’s pastoral experience has been with the Colonial Place Church of Christ in Hampton, VA. After graduating from Seminary, Jimmy pursued full time ministry and accepted the call from the Colonial Place Christian Church as their senior minister. He served there from 1989 to 1999.
Greg Milliser is our Minister of Development. He comes to us from Ancona, Italy were he and his wife, Krista were missionaries with Team Expansion. He has a BTh from Ozark Christian College in Joplin, MO and an MAR from Emmanuel School of Religion in Johnson City, TN. He and Krista have 3 children.
Mary Wrenn is the church secretary. She is available in the church office from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday through Friday.
The church telephone number is (703) 491-1200.
Jimmy’s email address is [email protected].
Greg’s email address is [email protected].
Mary’s is [email protected].
General church mail can be sent to [email protected].