Woodbridge Christian Church
Junior High Ministry
The Junior High Ministry is led by a team of individuals who recognize that this age is marked by creativity and individuality that must be tempered by the love of Jesus and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The age group includes 6th to 8th grades. Debbie Avis is the ministry team leader.
The three goals of the ministry are:
* Draw these young people into a wholesome, fun environment to build friendships while keeping them close to God
* Provide Christian activities to which unchurched friends can be invited and introduced to Jesus
* Provide a bridge between junior high youth and their families to strengthen the family bonds for the future
The Junior High group meets during the Sunday morning worship service at the adult sermon time all but one Sunday a month. This time is a focus period for learning more about God and His Son, and for applying those lessons to our daily lives.
Time-In, which meets on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., is geared more towards fun activities while still keeping the Sunday morning lessons close to the heart. There are usually games, contests, and crafts surrounding a time of reflection. Once a month, there is a “movie” night where kids can view family-rated movies with their friends (and like it!). These events culminate at the end of the year with the annual Junior High retreat, which is held from a Friday evening through Sunday noon at a place away from the church building and includes a barrage of games, activities and lessons.
Are you Junior Higher? Then, you need to visit the Junior High Home Page for more info. Are you interested in participating in this ministry? Well, you will definitely NOT be sorry! For more information, please contact Debbie Avis at [email protected]